Usufrua ao máximo do seu seminário de empresa ou órgão docente, seja qual for o seu objetivo: pesquisa e aprendizagem, atualização profissional ou um espaço de reflexão.
Através do trabalho conjunto de professores e alunos, estes serão treinados em pesquisa ou na prática de alguma disciplina.
Em Artchitectours ajudamos a organizar o seu seminário, assumindo a responsabilidade que teria a sua empresa. A nossa experiência em eventos, convenções e seminários ajudará a sua empresa a alcançar a interação entre especialistas e participantes na medida certa, possibilitando, assim, aprofundar no tema desejado.
Nosso constante contato com especialistas dos setores de arquitetura, planejamento urbano e design e nossa experiência em trabalhar com eles pode será uma grande contribuição ma hora de desenvolver o seminário.
We would like to thank you for organizing our study trip. We had a great time. Nice guides, nice program and restaurants. We will gladly recommend you to other companies.Now we are back in Norway working again.
Have a nice day.
Regards,SPIR Administrasjonssjef
I meant to write to you earlier but was just so busy with everything here! The feedback was great- from participants, the client and us! The session worked really well and was interesting. I also really liked our guide (group 1), she was very engaging. Having the last 5 minutes to ourselves at the end really made it special and the wrap up was also very good in that school-like setting. They talked about the experience even today! Thank you again and we want to repeat with their 2nd group on Wednesday 10th- would it be possible?
Thanks, IESE continuous education
Hi Nuria,
Thank you so much for the tour today. Absolutely fabulous! A tour is only as good as the guide and that tour was one of the highlights of the trip. The architecture might have helped a little bit 😉 but you brought it to life.
Gracias gracias gracias!